
Some of the most groundbreaking innovations of our time come from Silicon Valley in the USA, including the idea for Invisalign®, the invisible braces. Align Technology developed the revolutionary idea of colorless plastic braces back in 1997. The introduction of Invisalign® revolutionized the dental market worldwide.

Aesthetic dentistry
Often there is a desire to improve the natural aesthetics of one's own teeth. Aesthetic dentistry offers the following treatment options

Implantology / Oral Surgery
Implants replace lost tooth roots. Crowns, bridges or implant prostheses are then placed

Orthodontics / Braces / Pediatric Dentistry
Children need a particularly high level of care so that they can confide in us and allow the necessary treatments.

Dental hygiene / prophylaxis
Professional oral hygiene is very important to us, because without plaque there is no tooth decay, no bleeding gums and no disease of the tooth bed (periodontitis).

Fixed and removable prosthetics
Dentures should always embed themselves harmoniously between tooth and gum. Regardless of whether they are removable or fixed dentures, the focus is always on a high level of comfort and sustainability and, of course, your very own personal requirements and wishes.

Grinding teeth / snoring
Why do people snore anyway? Snoring is caused by the fluttering and swaying of muscles and soft tissues in the narrowed throat. Because the muscles relax during sleep, the lower jaw falls back with the tongue and thus narrows the airway.

Snoring splint
Almost 1/3 of the Swiss population does it every night: snoring! While it can cause the sufferer to have a dry mouth, hoarseness or a sore throat, in most cases it has a huge impact on the partner's quality of sleep (and life).

Bleeding gums, tooth loosening and tooth loss do not have to be. Professional teeth cleaning by our well-trained dental hygienists can help in most cases.

The fear of dental treatment is widespread. Studies show that about 1/3 of the patients suffer from moderate anxiety, and more than 10% even have panic symptoms.

Volume tomography
Digital Volume tomography (DVT) is a three-dimensional, imaging tomography procedure using X-rays, which is mainly used in ear, nose and throat medicine, oral and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry.

The initial root canal treatment is usually carried out in one or two treatment sessions and comprises the following steps: To ensure that the treatment can be carried out painlessly, the tooth is often anesthetized locally. The tooth crown is opened and the nerve cavity (pulp chamber) is cleaned.

Night guard against bruxism
Do you wake up in the morning with a tense jaw or a headache? Then your teeth may have worked overtime overnight. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause problems ranging from jaw cracking to back and neck pain. A night guard can help relieve the rubbing and clenching of the teeth. But the causes of teeth grinding often lie deeper. That's why we take a holistic approach.